No. 3151

高橋先生、今晩は! 先日家内が先生からご卒業と朗報され、感無量でございます、卒業=新たな挑戦のスタート、お礼を申し上げます。 日中間の結晶が先生のお助けによって、すぐすぐと成長を、神に祈りながら、願っています。 聖書の一節を思い出す:Samuel 1-10 Hannah was so sad that she cried the whole time she was praying to the lord. She made a special promise to God and said, "Lord All-Powerful, you can see how sad I am, Remember me. Don't forget me. If you will give me a son, I will give him to you......... Thank you so much, Dr. Takahashi. J Chen

No.3151 J Chen

カテゴリ: 妊娠初期

聖書の一節を思い出す:Samuel 1-10
Hannah was so sad that she cried the whole time she was praying to the lord. She made a special promise to God and said, "Lord All-Powerful, you can see how sad I am, Remember me. Don't forget me. If you will give me a son, I will give him to you.........

Thank you so much, Dr. Takahashi.

J Chen

